A set of Action Mats comes in two easy to carry bags and comes complete with 5 activity sheets. The activity sheets provide ideas, challenges, games and fun, saving you the effort of planning. A set of mats delivers on our mission to provide the easiest to understand and the most enjoyable to use fun fitness activity available. Add the Home Mats and Shuttle Runs to offer the complete range and open the way to hassle free PE and games, wet play, breakfast ‘wake up/ shake up’ routines and fun after school clubs.

to include

Warm up, Rocket Jumps, Balance
Skipping, Star Jumps, Lunges,
Sit ups, Press ups, Step ups,
Hoola Hoops, Bounce drill,
Swimmer, Tricep dips, Plank,
Including five lesson resources and  2 storage bags

Please note: many lesson resources involve Home mats although the intro set guides feature home mats to a lesser extent.